There are a several updates of my software projects.
M3s - Kubernetes Framework for Apache Mesos
Version 0.4.0 of Mesos-M3s has been released. The following features have been added:
- Redis reconnect after unhealthy ping.
- Mysql support as datastore endpoint
- Healthcheck for Datastore
- Reconnect after losing connection to Mesos master.
- Container volume to persist datastore.
- Hashicorp Vault support for framework environment variables.
- Support for TLS and bootstrap server authentication.
- Support for cri-docker (enable with K3S_DOCKER=true).
- Support for MySQL TLS data store communication
- Support for CGroupV2 (bool env CGROUP_V2, default=false)
- Docker parameter Ulimit (DOCKER_ULIMIT) to override the default value.
- Mesos reconciliation loop to periodically sync state with Mesos.
I’ve updated Kubernetes to version 1.24.x. Please be aware to check if the used
deployments are compatible.
Mesos-Compose - Container Orchestrator for Apache Mesos
Version 0.4.2 of Mesos-Compose has been released. The following features have been added:
- Support for docker-compose capability parameter cap_add.
- Support for mesos command executor. Set the label: biz.aventer.mesos_compose.container_type: “NONE”.
- Support for environment variables for executor.
- Docker container support for custom executor.
- Support for docker compose cap-drop.
- Support for docker comport pull_policy. Support for always (default) and missing.
- Support for docker compose “placement -> constraints -> node.hostname” command.
- Re-login after losing connection to Mesos master.
- Mesos CLI plugin to start and stop mesos-compose workloads.
- Support for Hashicorp Vault.
- Support for node.platform.os and node.platform.arch constraint.
- Support for docker-compose restart command.
- Support for custom network with exposed ports.
- Customize biz.aventer.mesos_compose.taskname: “test:app”.
Traefik - proxy and load balancer
Traefik has been released in version 2.9.5. As always I provide a patched version which includes my Mesos provider is included. With this version I’ve also implemented dynamic-lable-names. This simplifies adding and updating labels.
How to use dynamic label names?
All Traefik labels need a name. As example: “homepage”:
traefik.http.routers.homepage.entrypoints: "web"
To have this created dynamically, it must be rewritten as follows:
traefik.http.routers.__mesos_taskid__.entrypoints": "web"
The Traefik Mesos provider replaces __mesos_taskid__
in the label-key as well as in the label-value, by the unique taskID.