Microservices, Apache Mesos

The idea behind microservices largely corresponds to the Unix philosophy (“Do One Thing and Do It Well”). translated: “Do one thing and do it well”). For many years I have been developing for our customers backend systems as microservices. Our services are usually characterized by the following features:

  • The services can be replaced easily.
  • A microservice should implement a bounded context in the sense of domain-driven design.
  • The focus is on the benefit for the user.
  • A microservice is developed by only one team. Conway’s law ensures that the architecture is also secured by organizational measures. is secured by organizational measures. Likewise, a team can be responsible for several technically related microservices.
  • Interfaces hide implementation details.
  • Microservices are isolated from other services.
  • Like all services, microservices must be secure.

The same Unix philosophy is behind Apache Mesos. This is an OpenSource project of the Apache Foundation. In contrast to container cluster management products such as Kubernetes or OpenShift, Mesos is a pure resource pure resource scheduler. It consists of a collection of software that combines physical resources such as CPU, Memory and Storage into a single pool. The physical resources are then assigned to Frameworks such as Marathon, Chronos, ElasticSearch, Kafka, Kubernetesor Docker-Compose für Mesos).

Our Services

For many years I have been offering various services around microservices and Apache Mesos:

  • Consulting, design and architecture
  • Cloud Native Software Development
  • Operating (Apache Mesos)
  • Framework development ( kafka, kubernetes for Mesos, mesos-compose)
  • Development of software extensions to support Mesos (e.g. Apache Airflow, Mesos DNS), Traefik)
  • Remote deployment on AWS including autoscaling. For more information please contact me.

With the discontinuation of DC/OS on the part of D2IQ, I have secured the sources of Mesos-DNS at the beginning of 2021 and continue to maintain these products under our own responsibility. products on our own responsibility. As a replacement for Marathon-LB I recommend Traefik. Apache Mesos itself has since been a pure community development, which among them has already appeared in several versions.